Mengenal Kebudayaan Sekitar

Ramadhaneisya Putri
3 min readJul 3, 2021
Figure 1: Head of the state is commencing the ceremony

Culture refers to the entire process and outcome of development passed down from generation to generation to improve human life. Culture as a genuine thing such as customs and behavior, the ability to appraise and filter highly valued items, and the quality of habit and tradition. (Poespowardoyo, 2000)

In Riau, one of the indigenous Islamic traditions is the Petang Megang. This practice is performed by some people in Pekanbaru City, particularly the Malay community, to express appreciation and satisfaction for being capable of meeting again during the fasting month that year.

Locals, religious figures, traditional leaders, and district officials commonly practice this Petang Megang ritual in a procession. The procession marched for the ceremonial evening conducted with the assistance of Kompang or traditional musical instruments. Upon completion, the group normally returns to the Pekanbaru Grand Mosque to perform Asr prayer together. Then they proceeded to march to Sungai Siak, which is where the Petang Megang ceremony’s peak is located. The “belimau” bathing ceremony was performed on 10 children and teens on the banks of the Siak River. The 10 children were given the honor of being bathed by religious leaders and local politicians. The lime (balimau is malay for “lime”) was found in the tubs’s water mixture, as well as the smells of seven different flowers and plants such as fragrant lemongrass and betel nuts.

Petang Megang literally translates to “evening bath.” Known that citizens must be delighted one day before fasting in order to welcome ramadan and conducting fasting, which includes purifying oneself. The key point of this entire tradition is to soak in a bath with natural, fragrant smells.

However, although it is deeply rooted to Islamic beliefs, please note that this tradition is not a teaching or sunnah from the Prophet but only a culture that has deep value and meaning for the local community, especially the indigineous Malays living in Riau.

It is defined that a guide(Tuntunan) is a guide for us to form an order(Tatanan) or spectacle(Tontonan) that is good and beneficial to the environment.

We correlate this tradition with the term 3T or tatanan, tuntunan, dan tontonan. Because it has good moral values and meanings, and it is in conformity with the law of norms and teachings of Islam as the religion in issue, this ritual has a position as a guide. Then, of course, this tradition is included as a spectacle because this culture may be felt and generally done on the public eye, making it a spectacle for those who are not involved.


Tanjung, B., 2021. Petang Megang Jadi Budaya Melayu Riau Sambut Ramadan : Okezone News. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 3 July 2021].

Poespowardojo, S., 2000. Kritik budaya dalam rangka memasuki abad baru / Soerjanto Poespowardojo. [online] Universitas Indonesia Library. Available at: <> [Accessed 3 July 2021].

Kaderisasi Panduan KATITB 2021



